this is your time, friend

You get to define your midlife

Midlife. Such a small word, but it stirs up so many thoughts for us.

You are the one who decides how you want to live it and if your current lifestyle reflects who you really are right NOW. You don’t need to keep any part of you hidden or forgotten. It’s time to get on with it, challenge any old limiting thoughts you have, and breathe life into your dreams. It’s time to do your midlife like a badass.

“Having a Badass midlife starts
with changing little habits”

As seen in


What could you do in your midlife chapter if you had unlimited confidence?

Living confidently means you Would:

  • Start appreciating the every bit of the journey that got you here

  • Start breaking down those old ideas, beliefs, and fears and show up like a diva in your life

  • Leave the past behind, lessons learned, and live into the future you want for yourself

  • Believe in your talents and strengths, and have the courage to pursue new things that light you up

  • Create a new and exciting style that reflects you and gives you inspiration

  • Start loving who you see in the mirror

What if you could live your midlife feeling extraordinary by changing up any stale thoughts, building your confidence, and giving your style a makeover? What amazing things would you take chances on and finally do if you were no longer trapped in old habits?

Would you travel more, entertain more, play more, do more, and be the life of the party?

You can do that.


You are not the problem here

You’ve been busy caring for others and doing all the things you needed to do.

It’s time to focus a little time on you and what you love now.

“Don’t let midlife break you, let it make you”

It’s all about creating new habits, and making small changes.


Badass Midlife

The podcast

Tune in to Badass Midlife where you’ll get the goods on gaining confidence, smashing negative self-talk, and giving your dreams and passions a shot at coming true.
Hosted by Mary Liga, Life Coach for women in midlife, NLP Practitioner, and mom to 4 millennial daughters. With cool co-hosts and inspiring guests each month.