Think about changing up your midlife script

I’m pretty tired of the label, midlife. I actually hate it. Especially because I still feel like I’m 30 years old and that I still have tons of time left to do tons of stuff.

Reality check. So not tons of time, but some time.

It seems like a euphoric rite of passage to get a little older and get to do nothing. You may want to retire or just be free to do whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean you need to become some kind of sidenote.

Keeping yourself challenged, stimulated, and intentional about resisting the doldrums can make this time life-enriching. It’s common to become restless and even a little fearless at this stage, so resist fading off into the sunset and find ways to express your true self.

Here are some things that can help shake things up.

Learn More

Learning should never slow down. Whatever interests you, there’s a way to learn more about it. There is definitely no shortage of online courses, programs, or workshops to participate in, and adding that into your week or month can be quite enjoyable.

Some courses drip out their content over a period of days or weeks, making it feel as if you have to be somewhere, which works better if you’re the type of person that needs things to be planned. Others are more self-study, making them more flexible and easy to work into your life.

I took some courses on writing, podcasting, becoming a better speaker, and more I’ve probably even forgotten. Each one was unbelievably interesting and improved my life in one way or another.

Find some things that interest you and just keep learning.

Sharing And Helping Others

Is there someone out there that is going through something you have first-hand knowledge about? Having a real-life experience to share is bound to be helpful. People want to learn from someone who’s been in the trenches.

In whatever way feels comfortable to you, writing, podcasting, making a course, starting an online community, whatever floats your boat as a communication method, consider doing something that can help others.

If you have learned something or weathered a storm, your journey can help others improve their lives, so be generous.

I, for example, never thought I’d be divorced in midlife. That entire experience changed everything about my midlife journey.

I had some unexpected struggles, a rollercoaster of emotions, menopause jumped in just for fun, and a lot of things to figure out.

So I started writing. And writing. I became a life coach and I wanted to focus specifically on women in midlife. Through my writing and coaching, I have been able to share my experience and help others navigate those choppy waters.

That is really cool.

Expand Creativity

Sometimes allowed to fizzle in midlife, creativity can be a midlife game-changer. Not only does it stimulate your mind but it can help you finally rediscover some old passions or unearth ideas that you always wanted to express.

As you look for deeper meaning in midlife, creative endeavors can be the secret sauce that helps you connect with your authentic self, a part that may have been put on the back burner for decades.

Start with journaling. Write about what you love, what you miss, what you want to do more of in your life. Odds are, there’s something hiding deep inside of you that's just waiting for you to shine a light on it again, and journaling is a good way to uncover it.

Becoming More Curious

For goodness sake, don’t ever stop asking questions or questioning the norms. You may have been conditioned to feel “out of touch” when you’ve asked, but don’t ever let that stop you.

We’re born with such a profound sense of curiosity, and it rarely survives childhood. Before we know it, we start following rules and living our lives by some unwritten set of rules.

No questions, just do what you’re supposed to do.

It’s easy to miss the many opportunities for curiosity and questioning that avail themselves to us in midlife as we become more set in our ways. You need to look for them.

Buck the system. You’re allowed to do that.

If you ever feel like something doesn’t sit right with you, speak up. Many times we get to a point where we feel like we’re just fine with something or too tired to ask or make a big deal about it.

Don’t sit back. People around you may be counting on you doing just that. Others may be counting on you to stand up and be heard.

Dealing with the unknown or something challenging may be unsettling at times as we age, but you should embrace those moments and remain curious without fear. You’ve earned your place to do just that.

Challenging Conformity

You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. We all want to belong and have a certain sense of community. That doesn’t mean you have to conform or fit into some idyllic model of what your later years should look like.

You get to choose how you’re going to squeeze every bit of fun and excitement out of your life, no one else. There isn’t a pattern or roadmap you need to follow.

Listen to your intuition, rediscover things you used to love to do, and figure out a way to resurface them. Be hawkish in figuring out how to make them a part of your life now, and move ahead.

The point is that there aren't rules for getting older and there certainly aren’t things that you have to do or should be doing a certain way. Do exactly what your unique set of life circumstances has presented to you, the way you want to do it.

Conforming at this point in your life would not only be a mistake, but it wouldn’t represent all the amazing parts of your journey. Yours is not like anyone else's, so your life doesn’t need to be either.

Make it count.


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