An open letter to hesitation…it’s time we talked.

Tony Robbins contends that the number one rule to becoming more authentic is to be more spontaneous.

Well, I definitely want to be authentic. I mean, who doesn’t?

But I have this little problem with hesitation. It’s developed into more of a teenager now, and now more than ever, indignantly steps right in, just before I want to take a figurative leap in my life.

It’s time we had a conversation, so here is my open letter.


I’m sure that you’ve likely kept me safe and probably even saved my life once or twice as you bubble up and turn into a gnawing gut feeling of “you shouldn't do that.”

For that, I want to thank you.

I also know that you show up just when I’m having a disagreement or heated discussion with someone I care about and like magic, you give me just what I need to keep my pie hole shut.

Thank you for that, too.

For all the times you’ve saved me from a ridiculous impulse purchase, hasty decision making, and unreasonable reactions, thank you, thank you, thank you.

But there is something I’ve come to realize about you. You’re important to me. But sometimes, we’re not good for each other.

Sometimes, I need you to sit back and let me do something a little spontaneous.

Don’t be so quick to allow me to resort to you and fill space with self-doubt, inner voices, and rules I’ve come to live by, even when I shouldn’t.

Please don’t run continuously in the background when I’m trying to have some fun and try something new, rendering me unable to fully immerse myself in the experience.

I just need you to let me be me sometimes.

Unfiltered, authentic, and maybe even a little risky.

I promise I won’t be an idiot.

We just need some healthy boundaries.



P.S. Thank you for everything you have done and all the things I know you will continue to do.

It’s time to be more authentic, and it starts with being spontaneously you.

Without hesitation.


Are you living the life you want?


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