You may not be a monk…but here’s what they know about mornings

In Think Like a Monk: Train your mind for peace and purpose, Jay Shetty illustrates with a combination of ancient wisdom and his personal experience as a monk, how to clear your mental roadblocks by overcoming negative thoughts and creating a purposeful life.

While it may seem unrealistic to apply the lessons of monks to our own busy lives, he finds a way to make it not only possible but so ridiculously simple.

You’ve probably heard a million great tips on how to start your day for optimal performance. But let’s face it, they’re not always realistic or sustainable.

Here’s how Shetty cuts to the core on getting your morning right.

Do not look at your phone

Easier said than done when it’s your alarm clock, but if you can do it, it will change everything. The minute your eyes look at the time, up pop the other notifications and now you’re well on your way down the proverbial (digital) rabbit hole.

The images and messages are now in the driver’s seat of what you’re thinking, right from the jump.

Before you’ve even had a chance to do that life-enriching, full-body stretch.

Before you’ve had a chance to open the blinds and look at the beautiful sunrise.

Before you’ve even decided what you want to do with your morning.

There they are, crawling right in, making themselves at home in your mind, eager to see which one is going to be your number one focus.


According to Shetty, when you allow messages and information to override your mind first thing in the morning, you’re already setting yourself up for being reactive throughout the day.

Don’t let that happen. Be the master of your precious morning, and don’t let anything else take the reigns.

Do what you can the night before

So easy to do, yet seldom ever done. Five minutes of picking up your bedroom and laying out your clothes for the morning, even if it’s your workout gear, frees up valuable space in your groggy morning mind and keeps you from starting the day with decision fatigue.

They’re coming soon enough, you can be sure of that. Hundreds of decisions will need to be made today, big and small.

Take as many little tasks off of tomorrow as you can.

Lay out your clothes

Gas up the car

Set your coffeemaker

Know what your breakfast will be

Organize your work bag/items

You know the day is coming hard at you no matter what, so why not clear away some of the easy, mindless, extras if you can?

When you do this, you’ve freed up valuable space and spared yourself from early morning decision-making and the worry of having enough time for everything.

Make T.I.M.E in your life

Shetty uses the acronym of time to zoom right in on what your morning needs to include, without fail, so you can start your day from a harmonious place where your needs are met first.

T: Thankfulness. He recommends taking a few minutes to feel gratitude for your life, your health, family, home, job, and whatever you have in your life. You’re blessed and it’s good to remind yourself every day.

I: Insight. Make time to absorb information from another point of view, something different. Whether it’s a new podcast or an audiobook, allow new thoughts and ideas in to sharpen and open your mind and get those juices flowing.

M: Meditation. Whether this is prayer, guided meditation, sitting quietly, and being in your own thoughts, it only needs to be a few minutes. The point is, it’s about you connecting to your deepest, truest self and feeling how you feel.

E: Exercise. You knew this was coming. This doesn’t need to be a 90-minute cardio and leg day session. Just do something to move your body, keep the muscles and joints warm and alive so they can take you as far as you want to go in your life.

A minimum of 15 minutes is all it takes to feel more relaxed and get that hit of dopamine you know you love.

If you can make these adjustments, you can be someone who has control of your day with a clear and focused mind and body, instead of starting behind the eight ball, bombarded with messages and information, worried about how late it is.

Mornings have always been sacred to me and as I get older, I find myself setting my alarm a little earlier all the time.

It’s a precious time of day when it feels like anything is possible.

Don’t allow anything or anyone to take that away from you. You can simplify your mornings and set boundaries around them so nothing can ever interfere with centering your day and taking T.I.M.E. for yourself.

Even if you’re not a monk.


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